Wednesday, June 5, 2013


1.       By having an art gallery showing I had the experience of an artist. I got the chance to speak to some people who were into my photography. 
2.       The advice I can give next year’s AP Art class students is not to fall behind. Falling behind is the worst thing to do while in this class. You want to keep up and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
3.       The positive aspects of this class were learning new ways to use my camera. Also the people who I got to know and the experiences I got.
4.       Next year you could really stress the fact that if you fall back on an assignment, you will not get a good grade and it will be hard to catch up.
5.       I learned as an artist to use my camera in different ways. I also learned that I really do enjoy taking abstract photos. I also love value and contrast.
6.       In the future I will be taking photos for a wedding so I will use my skills. I also will be traveling a lot so I would put them to the test also.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Concentration Written Commentary

                The main idea of my concentration series is the abstraction of animals. Different animals have different body structures that make them unique. I wanted to express a certain area of the animal. The series has a connection with me because I love animals and their personalities. The elements I chose to use were rule of thirds, value and contrast, point of view, and macro.

            The work in my series explores animals in abstracted ways. I started with close up shown in the first six photos. In the first photo I took a close up of a rooster's eye. Not only was it a photos close up, but it also had extreme texture. You can see the little feathers growing around the eye. My second groupings of four photos utilized figure ground. The second photo in this grouping is of chicken talons. The background also gives you wonder of where it was taken. With the final photos I took them onto Photoshop to increase the contrast to make the colors pop. I also blurred certain areas to give the main object more emphasis. The main principle of design used in my series was abstraction; also the movement in the photos gave it a mood that the viewer will find pleasing.  Rule of thirds was also used in some of my photos giving me a well-rounded series. My final closing images are diptychs of a human and a chicken face put together. I put them together to make the beak and nose match up together giving a sense of unity. My final closing image is of myself and my canine companion merged together becoming one.  Animals and humans were once brothers and sisters. It now feels as if humans see ownership, instead of companionship with them, when in reality we are all alike, only speaking different languages.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week six (Final Post)





This is our final week for working on our concentration series. My series has been annoying, great, stupid, and all around fun. I couldn’t have chosen a topic more on point about who I am. I love animals, and animals love me. This week I was stressed about photos to choose for my final twelve. As you can tell I couldn’t choose only twelve. This has been an experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. It has made me grow as an artist.

P.S The photos are not in order, sorry.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week Five

This week I took on a piggy! I know it sounds weird but taking pictures of pigs is actually harder than it sounds.  They move and squeal at everything. I had some trouble and only came out with two good pictures! It’s kind of upsetting, but worth it! This spring break I plan on taking more photos of chickens and retaking some pictures that need a redo! I plan to come back with some darn great pictures. By the way, that pig nose is ‘Narr-Narr’.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week Four


Starting this fourth week I began to work with a chicken as my model. I am terrified of chickens; something about them freaks me out. I sucked it up and took pictures. I feel like its progress because I got another animal into my concentration series. This weekend I want to take pictures of horses and pigs, but I don’t know where to go for those.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week Three


This is the third week of working on my concentration. I’ve noticed that my animals vary only from cats, dogs, and birds. I need more variety and some merges to happen next week if I want to keep my enthusiasm up on this concentration series. The photos I took this week were with my new macro lens. They work pretty darn great if you ask me. These photos could potentially be part of my concentration series. I’m not very sure yet though.  

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week Two

This week I started on my actual concentration series on the abstractions of animals. Only so many photos worked perfectly this week. I had some trouble with my camera while taking pictures of cats, which I hated. I was working with value, contrast, and texture this week when I noticed that some of the lighting should be dimmer. Overall this week was a little stressful but I got some things done.